Monday, January 17, 2011


A spurt of late orders for AIRBUS enabled it to leap-frog Boeing and end 2010 as top dog in the annual sales race. Airbus added a whopping 204 orders in December, taking its net order tally beyond Boeing's 530 aircraft, to 574.  Single-aisles made up the bulk of Airbus's big December deals, including 50 for CHINA EASTERN and 50 for LAN. The 2 rivals' combined order total is heading back towards the boom times of the last decade, but at 1104 units is still well short of 2007's peak when Airbus and Boeing's net sales exceeded 2700 aircraft. As expected, Airbus again out-produced its rival, for the 8th year in succession, delivering 510 aircraft. This breaks its previous all-time output record of 498, set the year before. Boeing's deliveries fell slightly from 481 in 2009 to 462, with the absence of 787 shipments beginning to tell on the airframer's output. As a result, the 2 airframers' combined delivery tally, at 972 aircraft, is down slightly on 2009, but is likely to exceed 1000 aircraft for the 1st time in 2011.

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